Dopis z Cape Cod

Vladimír Stwora

18.2.2007 Přišlo emailem Témata: Radar, US základna 1343 slov

Přišel mi email. Pisatelka, paní Jílková se pokusila navázat kontakt s hnutím proti radaru v Cape Cod a obdržela od tamních fyziků celkem zajímavý material. O tomto radaru jsem psal nedávno v článku Co zabíjí mladé lidi v úžině Cape Cod?. Ačkoliv máme tady ve Zvědavci zvyk, že články jsou v češtině, tentokrát činím výjimku a ponechávám celou korespondenci v angličtině. Prosím, všimněte si také příloh na konci článku. Jsou sice trošku obecné, ale pamatujme: Jsou to střípky do mozaiky. Čím více budeme o tom vědět, tím nesnadněji nás budou opíjet rohlíkem.

Dobrý den pane Stwora,

zasílám Vám ještě nějaké podklady, toto mi přišlo od US fyziků ... je tam kontakt na paní Sharon Judge, která vede hnutí proti radaru v CAPE COD, psala jsem jí email, ale neodepsala. Tak nevím, jestli to není spojením ....

Dopis paní Evy Jílkové odeslaný na adresu

Hello, my name is Iva Jilkova, I am from Prague, Czech republic. USA are now planning to build huge anti-missile radar station, just next to my hometown (60km from Prague, on the highest hill in our region). Most people in our country do not agree, but politicians are well pre-paid and try to force the negotiations FOR the Radar. Besides we will be the first target in futre US wars (possibly with Russia and China), I am worried about the health risks of having such a big microwave next to us. Please do you have any studies about the influence of such radars? We could use it for the information of peoples, municipalities etc. Thank you. Iva


Dear Iva,

There have been and, I think, are still continuing studies about the impact of the "Pave Paws" radar system installed on Cape Cod on the Massachusetts coast.

Someone who could give you more information about those studies is Sharon Judge. She is a housewife and mother whose family live in the area affected by this installation. The cancer rate has risen significantly since the Pave Paws radar began operation in her area. Her contact information is stated below, as of 1998. I don't know whether her address, phone number, and Email address have changed or not since that time. Richard Judge is a Selectman for the town, which means that he is an elected member of the town government.

JUDGE, Sharon
P.O. Box 150
Sandwich MA 02563
Phone: (508) 833-0532

Sharon and her husband, Richard, are leading the challenge to the PAVE PAWS Radar installation at Otis Air Force Base in Sandwich. They are also working for responsible wireless facility siting policy in their town. They have a wealth of experience dealing with military and state bureaucracy in their efforts to educate their community.

A medical researcher in the Air Force and a professor at the University of Vermont have raised substantial objections to the Air Force's reassurances to the surrounding communities that the radar is safe and will be carefully monitored for any health hazards. Part of the researchers' objections are based on the fact that this radar produces very fast pulses that interact with living tissue in a different and more drastic way than other microwave pulses.

One of the researchers is Dr. Kurt Ougstun at the University of Vermont. The other researcher is Dr. Richard Albanese of the Air Force Research Lab. Dr. Ougstun and his Air Force colleague have written several papers, both jointly and separately, about how fast electromagnetic pulses interact with biological material. Below is an abstract of a review by Dr. Robert Adair of Yale University of the study that I mentioned. He usually doesn't accept the notion that electromagnetic pulses could be harmful, unless they deposit enough energy to cause biological heating. I don't have his paper, but here is its abstract.

Comment in: Radiat Res. 2003 Jan;159(1):1-2.

Environmental objections to the PAVE PAWS radar system: a scientific review. Adair RK.

Department of Physics, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06520-8121.

As part of our continental defense system, the United States Air Force has operated a radar system, known generally by the label PAVE PAWS, off of Cape Cod, MA since 1978. Some populated areas in the vicinity of the system are subject to a low level of background radiofrequency radiation from the system, and local citizens' groups have expressed concern that this radiofrequency radiation may affect their health. These concerns have been fueled by presentations and letters by Dr. R. A. Albanese, an applied mathematician at the Air Force Research Laboratory, who has proposed standards by which that PAVE PAWS radiofrequency radiation which is incident on populations should be judged. I discuss those standards that are sufficiently well defined to be subject to analysis and show that they are not based on sound quantitative reasoning.

PMID: 12492377 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Personally, I don't put much stock in the arrogant Dr. Adair's opinion, but this is the only thing I have been able to find about the Pave Paws radar study review. Perhaps you can get more complete information from Sharon Judge. I hope this information is useful to you and I will try to find Dr. Ougstun's papers to send you. Good luck in your opposition to these powerful radars.

Regards, Bill

Bill P. Curry, PhD
EMSciTek Consulting Co.|
(630 858-9377), Fax (630) 858-9159

A zde je ještě druhý dopis od pana Curryho


I found a list of some of Dr. Oughstun's publications that are pertinent to the problem of how the short. fast. and very powerful radar pulses propagate in various media. There is one joint publication with Dr. Albanese in this list. I don't have any of these papers, but you should consider whether you can get them from a scientific or medical library at a university in Prague.

1: Oughstun KE, Albanese RA. Magnetic field contribution to the Lorentz model. J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis. 2006 Jul;23(7):1751-6. PMID: 16783441 [PubMed]

2: Cartwright NA, Oughstun KE. Pulse centroid velocity of the Poynting vector. J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis. 2004 Mar;21(3):439-50. PMID: 15005410 [PubMed]

3: Oughstun KE. Asymptotic description of pulsed ultrawideband electromagnetic beam field propagation in dispersive, attenuative media. J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis. 2001 Jul;18(7):1704-13. PMID: 11444565 [PubMed]

4: Oughstun KE, Balictsis CM. Gaussian Pulse Propagation in a Dispersive, Absorbing Dielectric. Phys Rev Lett. 1996 Sep 9;77(11):2210-2213. No abstract available. PMID: 10061886 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

5: Balictsis CM, Oughstun KE. Uniform asymptotic description of ultrashort Gaussian-pulse propagation in a causal, dispersive dielectric. Phys Rev E Stat Phys Plasmas Fluids Relat Interdiscip Topics. 1993 May;47(5):3645-3669. No abstract available. PMID: 9960419 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

6: Oughstun KE, Sherman GC. Uniform asymptotic description of ultrashort rectangular optical pulse propagation in a linear, causally dispersive medium. Phys Rev A. 1990 Jun 1;41(11):6090-6113. No abstract available. PMID: 9903012 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Try to find the above papers and then contact me again if I can be of any further help.

Regards, Bill

Pokud by někdo chtěl převzít štafetu od paní Jílkové a pokračovat v další korespondenci, je to vítáno. (Neměli bychom nechávat všechno na slabé ženě :-) ) Jak vidíte z korespondence, američtí vědci nekoušou a jsou poměrně přátelští a ochotní vyjít vstříc. Alespoň někteří na tamních univerzitách. Podle mého názoru by bylo ale nejlepší navázat spojení přímo s paní Judge Sharon, která vede hnutí proti radarům na Cape Cod. Emaily i další kontakty jsou v článku uvedeny.


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